Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hey Joe

2000 miles back in Oregon lives this guy named Joe.
At times I considered myself lucky to know.
Joe had the most beautiful eyes and a super, great butt.
We met, he was different, I knew it, could feel it in my gut.
For a while we dated, he was awesome, a real friend.
Idiotic, young and selfish, I brought it to an end.
Didn't want to let go, kept trying to stay in touch,
But I'd hurt him and he'd finally had enough.
Making it clear he had no interest in hearing my shit,
I kept secret the sad news I got after the split.
Seems stupid and strange that fate crossed our paths time after time.
More than 10 years have now passed and often Joe still visits my mind.
I didn't need all those years to realize he was special,
Despite dating all those guys who turned out mental.
We spoke for the first time in over a decade just last Saturday.
Joe and I are friends again; no harbored anger or dues to pay.
Its been a little hard to focus lately, I keep seeing those almond eyes...
I'm so glad you found me Joe, and is that ass of yours still wicked nice?


loveless said...

yes its still nice....lol

tashabud said...

Wow! I love this poem. I'm truly impressed with your poetic talent.
Joe seems like somebody very special in your life who keeps popping up when you least expected. I really enjoyed reading this. I also like the way you went about in expressing your feelings for Joe. So honest and Oh so romantic.

Keep posting and happy blogging.

Sutebean said...

Tashabud, you silly lady! I guess being a hopeless romantic comes through in my writing from time to time. Your comments are flattering and very encouraging. Thanks for the feedback! ^..^

tashabud said...

Anytime, my friend.